We've worked with many amazing brands and people to bring ice cream to their audiences, communities, friends, and families. We have an ice cream bike, plug in coolers for tabletop service, and we come with Ruru Baked staff ready to serve. Email events@rurubaked.com to find out how we can be a part of your next event.
The Ice Cream Bike
Choose from a selection of regular and seasonal flavours served in pre-packaged single serving cups with spoons. We provide napkins and staff.
(50 single servings per flavour, downtown Toronto only)
Starting at $600 + single servings.
Info for ice cream bike events
- We request a minimum of seven days notice for event requests.
- Special requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Maximum 300 single servings per event
- The bike requires a connection to 110V power if more than 5 hours of service to be provided.
- Kindly provide us with the number of people expected, date, duration of event, and location for a detailed quote.
- The bike cannot go up any stairs and requires enough clearance to move around corners and through hallways/doorways. It measures 8 feet long x 3 feet wide.
- Custom flavours and labels available for an additional cost.
The Ice Cream Coolers
Choose from a selection of regular and seasonal flavours served in pre-packaged single serving cups with spoons. We provide napkins and staff.
(30 single servings per flavour)
Starting at $180 + single servings.
Info for ice cream bike events
- We request a minimum of seven days notice for event requests.
- Special requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Maximum 200 single servings per event
- The coolers require a connection to 110V, 6 amps power
- Kindly provide us with the number of people expected, date, duration of event, and location for a detailed quote.
- Custom flavours and labels available for an additional cost.
Contact us for detailed pricing